Source code for hendrics.efsearch

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Search for pulsars."""

import warnings
import os
import argparse
import copy

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from astropy import log
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.logger import AstropyUserWarning
from .io import get_file_type
from import (
from stingray.stats import a_from_ssig, pf_from_ssig, power_confidence_limits

from stingray.gti import time_intervals_from_gtis
from stingray.utils import assign_value_if_none
from stingray.pulse.modeling import fit_sinc, fit_gaussian
from stingray.stats import pf_upper_limit
from .io import (

from .base import (
from .base import deorbit_events, njit, prange, vectorize, float64
from .base import histogram2d, histogram, memmapped_arange
from .base import z2_n_detection_level, fold_detection_level
from .base import find_peaks_in_image
from .base import z2_n_detection_level
from .base import fold_detection_level
from .fold import filter_energy
from .ffa import _z_n_fast_cached, ffa_search, h_test
from .fake import scramble

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    HAS_MPL = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_MPL = False

    import imageio

    HAS_IMAGEIO = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_IMAGEIO = False

D_OMEGA_FACTOR = 2 * np.sqrt(3)
TWOPI = 2 * np.pi

__all__ = [

def find_nearest_contour(cs, x, y, indices=None, pixel=True):
    Find the point in the contour plot that is closest to ``(x, y)``.

    This method does not support filled contours.


        This function was deprecated from matplotlib, and we copied it here to
        ensure code stability

    x, y : float
        The reference point.
    indices : list of int or None, default: None
        Indices of contour levels to consider.  If None (the default), all
        levels are considered.
    pixel : bool, default: True
        If *True*, measure distance in pixel (screen) space, which is
        useful for manual contour labeling; else, measure distance in axes

    contour : `.Collection`
        The contour that is closest to ``(x, y)``.
    segment : int
        The index of the `.Path` in *contour* that is closest to
        ``(x, y)``.
    index : int
        The index of the path segment in *segment* that is closest to
        ``(x, y)``.
    xmin, ymin : float
        The point in the contour plot that is closest to ``(x, y)``.
    d2 : float
        The squared distance from ``(xmin, ymin)`` to ``(x, y)``.

    from matplotlib.contour import _find_closest_point_on_path

    # This function uses a method that is probably quite
    # inefficient based on converting each contour segment to
    # pixel coordinates and then comparing the given point to
    # those coordinates for each contour.  This will probably be
    # quite slow for complex contours, but for normal use it works
    # sufficiently well that the time is not noticeable.
    # Nonetheless, improvements could probably be made.

    if cs.filled:
        raise ValueError("Method does not support filled contours.")

    if indices is None:
        indices = range(len(cs.collections))

    d2min = np.inf
    conmin = None
    segmin = None
    imin = None
    xmin = None
    ymin = None

    point = np.array([x, y])

    for icon in indices:
        con = cs.collections[icon]
        trans = con.get_transform()
        paths = con.get_paths()

        for segNum, linepath in enumerate(paths):
            lc = linepath.vertices
            # transfer all data points to screen coordinates if desired
            if pixel:
                lc = trans.transform(lc)

            d2, xc, leg = _find_closest_point_on_path(lc, point)
            if d2 < d2min:
                d2min = d2
                conmin = icon
                segmin = segNum
                imin = leg[1]
                xmin = xc[0]
                ymin = xc[1]

    return (conmin, segmin, imin, xmin, ymin, d2min)

def _save_df_to_csv(df, csv_file, reset=False):
    if not os.path.exists(csv_file) or reset:
        mode = "w"
        header = True
        mode = "a"
        header = False
    df.to_csv(csv_file, header=header, index=False, mode=mode)

[docs] def check_phase_error_after_casting_to_double(tref, f, fdot=0): """Check the maximum error expected in the phase when casting to double.""" times = np.array(np.random.normal(tref, 0.1, 1000), dtype=np.longdouble) times_dbl = times.astype(np.double) phase = times * f + 0.5 * times**2 * fdot phase_dbl = times_dbl * np.double(f) + 0.5 * times_dbl**2 * np.double(fdot) return np.max(np.abs(phase_dbl - phase))
[docs] def decide_binary_parameters( length, freq_range, porb_range, asini_range, fdot_range=[0, 0], NMAX=10, csv_file="db.csv", reset=False, ): import pandas as pd count = 0 omega_range = [1 / porb_range[1], 1 / porb_range[0]] columns = [ "freq", "fdot", "X", "Porb", "done", "max_stat", "min_stat", "best_T0", ] df = 1 / length "Recommended frequency steps: {}".format(int(np.diff(freq_range)[0] // df + 1)) ) while count < NMAX: # In any case, only the first loop deletes the file if count > 0: reset = False block_of_data = [] freq = np.random.uniform(freq_range[0], freq_range[1]) fdot = np.random.uniform(fdot_range[0], fdot_range[1]) dX = 1 / (TWOPI * freq) nX = int(np.diff(asini_range)[0] // dX) + 1 Xs = np.random.uniform(asini_range[0], asini_range[1], nX) for X in Xs: dOmega = 1 / (TWOPI * freq * X * length) * D_OMEGA_FACTOR nOmega = int(np.diff(omega_range)[0] // dOmega) + 1 Omegas = np.random.uniform(omega_range[0], omega_range[1], nOmega) for Omega in Omegas: block_of_data.append( [freq, fdot, X, TWOPI / Omega, False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ) df = pd.DataFrame(block_of_data, columns=columns) _save_df_to_csv(df, csv_file, reset=reset) count += 1 return csv_file
[docs] def fit(frequencies, stats, center_freq, width=None, obs_length=None, baseline=0): estimated_amp = stats[np.argmin(np.abs(frequencies - center_freq))] if obs_length is not None: s = fit_sinc( frequencies, stats - baseline, obs_length=obs_length, amp=estimated_amp, mean=center_freq, ) else: df = frequencies[1] - frequencies[0] if width is None: width = 2 * df s = fit_gaussian( frequencies, stats - baseline, stddev=width, amplitude=estimated_amp, mean=center_freq, ) return s
[docs] @njit() def calculate_shifts(nprof: int, nbin: int, nshift: int, order: int = 1) -> np.array: shifts = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, nprof) ** order return nshift * shifts
[docs] @njit() def mod(num, n2): return np.mod(num, n2)
[docs] @njit() def shift_and_sum( repeated_profiles, lshift, qshift, splat_prof, base_shift, quadbaseshift ): nprof = repeated_profiles.shape[0] nbin = splat_prof.size twonbin = nbin * 2 splat_prof[:] = 0.0 for k in range(nprof): total_shift = base_shift[k] * lshift + quadbaseshift[k] * qshift total_shift = mod(np.rint(total_shift), nbin) total_shift_int = int(total_shift) splat_prof[:] += repeated_profiles[ k, nbin - total_shift_int : twonbin - total_shift_int ] return splat_prof
[docs] @njit(fastmath=True) def z_n_fast(phase, norm, n=2): """Z^2_n statistics, a` la Buccheri+03, A&A, 128, 245, eq. 2. Here in a fast implementation based on numba. Assumes that nbin != 0 and norm is an array. Parameters ---------- phase : array of floats The phases of the events, in terms of 2PI norm : float or array of floats A normalization factor that gets multiplied as a weight. n : int, default 2 The ``n`` in $Z^2_n$. Returns ------- z2_n : float The Z^2_n statistics of the events. Examples -------- >>> phase = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(0, 1, 0.01) >>> norm = np.sin(phase) + 1 >>> assert np.isclose(z_n_fast(phase, norm, n=4), 50) >>> assert np.isclose(z_n_fast(phase, norm, n=2), 50) """ total_norm = np.sum(norm) result = 0 # Instead of calculating k phi each time kph = np.zeros_like(phase) for k in range(1, n + 1): kph += phase result += np.sum(np.cos(kph) * norm) ** 2 + np.sum(np.sin(kph) * norm) ** 2 return 2 / total_norm * result
@njit() def _average_and_z_sub_search(profiles, n=2): """Z^2_n statistics calculated in sub-profiles. Parameters ---------- profiles : array of arrays a M x N matrix containing a list of pulse profiles nbin : int The number of bins in the profiles. Returns ------- z2_n : float array (MxM) The Z^2_n statistics of the events. Examples -------- >>> phase = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(0, 1, 0.01) >>> norm = np.sin(phase) + 1 >>> profiles = np.ones((16, len(norm))) >>> profiles[8] = norm >>> n_ave, results = _average_and_z_sub_search(profiles, n=2) >>> assert np.isclose(results[0, 8], 50) >>> assert np.isclose(results[1, 8], 50/2) >>> assert np.isclose(results[2, 8], 50/4) >>> assert np.isclose(results[3, 8], 50/8) """ nprof = len(profiles) # Only use powers of two nprof = int(2 ** np.log2(nprof)) profiles = profiles[:nprof] nbin = len(profiles[0]) n_log_ave_max = int(np.log2(nprof)) results = np.zeros((n_log_ave_max, nprof)) twopiphases = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(0, 1, 1 / nbin) n_ave = 2 ** np.arange(n_log_ave_max) for ave_i in range(len(n_ave)): n_ave_i = n_ave[ave_i] shape_0 = int(profiles.shape[0] / n_ave_i) # new_profiles = np.zeros((shape_0, profiles.shape[1])) for i in range(shape_0): new_profiles = np.sum(profiles[i * n_ave_i : (i + 1) * n_ave_i], axis=0) # Work around strange numba bug. Will reinstate np.max when it's # solved if np.sum(new_profiles) == 0: continue z = z_n_fast(twopiphases, norm=new_profiles, n=n) results[ave_i, i * n_ave_i : (i + 1) * n_ave_i] = z return n_ave, results def _transient_search_step( times: np.double, mean_f: np.double, mean_fdot=0, nbin=16, nprof=64, n=1 ): """Single step of transient search.""" # Cast to standard double, or Numba's histogram2d will fail # horribly. phases = _fast_phase_fdot(times, mean_f, mean_fdot) profiles = histogram2d( phases, times, range=[[0, 1], [times[0], times[-1]]], bins=(nbin, nprof), ).T n_ave, results = _average_and_z_sub_search(profiles, n=n) return n_ave, results class TransientResults(object): oversample: int = None f0: float = None f1: float = None fdot: float = None nave: int = None freqs: np.array = None times: np.array = None stats: np.array = None @njit(nogil=True, parallel=True) def _fast_step(profiles, L, Q, linbinshifts, quabinshifts, nbin, n=2): twopiphases = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(0, 1, 1 / nbin) cached_cos = np.zeros(n * nbin) cached_sin = np.zeros(n * nbin) for i in range(n): cached_cos[i * nbin : (i + 1) * nbin] = np.cos(twopiphases) cached_sin[i * nbin : (i + 1) * nbin] = np.sin(twopiphases) stats = np.zeros_like(L) repeated_profiles = np.hstack((profiles, profiles, profiles)) nprof = repeated_profiles.shape[0] base_shift = np.linspace(-1, 1, nprof) quad_base_shift = base_shift**2 for i in prange(linbinshifts.size): # This zeros needs to be here, not outside the parallel loop, or # the threads will try to write it all at the same time splat_prof = np.zeros(nbin) for j in range(quabinshifts.size): splat_prof = shift_and_sum( repeated_profiles, L[i, j], Q[i, j], splat_prof, base_shift, quad_base_shift, ) local_stat = _z_n_fast_cached(splat_prof, cached_cos, cached_sin, n=n) stats[i, j] = local_stat return stats @njit(parallel=True) def _fast_phase_fdot(ts, mean_f, mean_fdot=0): phases = ts * mean_f + 0.5 * ts * ts * mean_fdot return phases - np.floor(phases) ONE_SIXTH = 1 / 6 @njit(parallel=True) def _fast_phase_fddot(ts, mean_f, mean_fdot=0, mean_fddot=0): tssq = ts * ts phases = ts * mean_f + 0.5 * tssq * mean_fdot + ONE_SIXTH * tssq * ts * mean_fddot return phases - np.floor(phases) @njit(parallel=True) def _fast_phase(ts, mean_f): phases = ts * mean_f return phases - np.floor(phases)
[docs] def search_with_qffa_step( times: np.double, mean_f: np.double, mean_fdot=0, mean_fddot=0, nbin=16, nprof=64, npfact=2, oversample=8, n=1, search_fdot=True, ): """Single step of quasi-fast folding algorithm.""" # Cast to standard double, or Numba's histogram2d will fail # horribly. if mean_fddot != 0: phases = _fast_phase_fddot(times, mean_f, mean_fdot, mean_fddot) elif mean_fdot != 0: phases = _fast_phase_fdot(times, mean_f, mean_fdot) else: phases = _fast_phase(times, mean_f) profiles = histogram2d( phases, times, range=[[0, 1], [times[0], times[-1]]], bins=(nbin, nprof), ).T # Assume times are sorted t1, t0 = times[-1], times[0] # dn = max(1, int(nbin / oversample)) linbinshifts = np.linspace(-nbin * npfact, nbin * npfact, int(oversample * npfact)) if search_fdot: quabinshifts = np.linspace( -nbin * npfact, nbin * npfact, int(oversample * npfact) ) else: quabinshifts = np.array([0]) dphi = 1 / nbin delta_t = (t1 - t0) / 2 bin_to_frequency = dphi / delta_t bin_to_fdot = 2 * dphi / delta_t**2 L, Q = np.meshgrid(linbinshifts, quabinshifts, indexing="ij") stats = _fast_step(profiles, L, Q, linbinshifts, quabinshifts, nbin, n=n) return L * bin_to_frequency + mean_f, Q * bin_to_fdot + mean_fdot, stats
[docs] def search_with_qffa( times, f0, f1, fdot=0, fddot=0, nbin=16, nprof=None, npfact=2, oversample=8, n=1, search_fdot=True, t0=None, t1=None, silent=False, ): """'Quite fast folding' algorithm. Parameters ---------- times : array of floats Arrival times of photons f0 : float Minimum frequency to search f1 : float Maximum frequency to search Other parameters ---------------- nbin : int Number of bins to divide the profile into nprof : int, default None number of slices of the dataset to use. If None, we use 8 times nbin. Motivation in the comments. npfact : int, default 2 maximum "sliding" of the dataset, in phase. oversample : int, default 8 Oversampling wrt the standard FFT delta f = 1/T search_fdot : bool, default False Switch fdot search on or off t0 : float, default min(times) starting time t1 : float, default max(times) stop time """ if nprof is None: # total_delta_phi = 2 == dnu * T # In a single sub interval # delta_phi = dnu * t # with t = T / nprof # so dnu T / nprof < 1 / nbin, and # nprof > total_delta_phi * nbin to get all the signal inside one bin # in a given sub-integration nprof = 4 * 2 * nbin * npfact times = copy.deepcopy(times) if t0 is None: t0 = times.min() if t1 is None: t1 = times.max() meantime = (t1 + t0) / 2 times -= meantime maxerr = check_phase_error_after_casting_to_double(np.max(times), f1, fdot) if maxerr > 1 / nbin / 10: warnings.warn( f"Maximum error on the phase expected when casting to " f"double: {maxerr}" ) warnings.warn( "Casting to double produces non-negligible phase errors. " "Please use shorter light curves.", AstropyUserWarning, ) times = times.astype(np.double) length = t1 - t0 frequency = (f0 + f1) / 2 # Step: npfact * 1 / T step = 4 * npfact / length niter = int(np.rint((f1 - f0) / step)) + 2 allvalues = list(range(-(niter // 2), niter // 2)) if allvalues == []: allvalues = [0] all_fgrid = [] all_fdotgrid = [] all_stats = [] local_show_progress = show_progress if silent: def local_show_progress(x): return x for ii, i in enumerate(local_show_progress(allvalues)): offset = step * i fdot_offset = 0 mean_f = np.double(frequency + offset + 0.12 * step) mean_fdot = np.double(fdot + fdot_offset) mean_fddot = np.double(fddot) fgrid, fdotgrid, stats = search_with_qffa_step( times, mean_f, mean_fdot=mean_fdot, mean_fddot=mean_fddot, nbin=nbin, nprof=nprof, npfact=npfact, oversample=oversample, n=n, search_fdot=search_fdot, ) if all_fgrid is None: all_fgrid = fgrid all_fdotgrid = fdotgrid all_stats = stats else: all_fgrid.append(fgrid) all_fdotgrid.append(fdotgrid) all_stats.append(stats) all_fgrid = np.vstack(all_fgrid) all_fdotgrid = np.vstack(all_fdotgrid) all_stats = np.vstack(all_stats) step = np.median(np.diff(all_fgrid[:, 0])) fdotstep = np.median(np.diff(all_fdotgrid[0])) if search_fdot: return ( all_fgrid.T, all_fdotgrid.T, all_stats.T, step, fdotstep, length, ) else: return all_fgrid.T[0], all_stats.T[0], step, length
[docs] def search_with_ffa(times, f0, f1, nbin=16, n=1, t0=None, t1=None): """'Quite fast folding' algorithm. Parameters ---------- times : array of floats Arrival times of photons f0 : float Minimum frequency to search f1 : float Maximum frequency to search Other parameters ---------------- nbin : int Number of bins to divide the profile into nprof : int, default None number of slices of the dataset to use. If None, we use 8 times nbin. Motivation in the comments. npfact : int, default 2 maximum "sliding" of the dataset, in phase. oversample : int, default 8 Oversampling wrt the standard FFT delta f = 1/T search_fdot : bool, default False Switch fdot search on or off t0 : float, default min(times) starting time t1 : float, default max(times) stop time """ if t0 is None: t0 = times[0] if t1 is None: t1 = times[-1] length = (t1 - t0).astype(np.double) p0 = 1 / f1 p1 = 1 / f0 dt = p0 / nbin counts = histogram( (times - t0).astype(np.double), range=[0, length], bins=int(np.rint(length / dt)), ) bin_periods, stats = ffa_search(counts, dt, p0, p1) return 1 / bin_periods, stats, None, length
def print_qffa_results(best_cand_table): newtable = copy.deepcopy(best_cand_table) good = ~np.isnan(newtable["pulse_amp"]) if len(newtable[good]) == 0: print("No pulsations found. Best candidate and upper limit:") good = 0 newtable["Pulsed amplitude (%)"] = [ f"<{a:g} (90%)" for a in newtable["pulse_amp_ul_0.9"] ] else: print("Best candidate(s):") newtable["Pulsed amplitude (%)"] = [ f"{a:g} ± {e:g}" for (a, e) in zip(newtable["pulse_amp"], newtable["pulse_amp_err"]) ] print(newtable["mjd", "f", "fdot", "fddot", "power", "Pulsed amplitude (%)"][good]) return def get_xy_boundaries_from_level(x, y, image, level, x0, y0): """Calculate boundaries of peaks in image. Parameters ---------- x, y : array-like The coordinates of the image (anything that works with pcolormesh) image : 2-D array The image containing peaks level : float The level at which boundaries will be traced x0, y0 : float The local maximum around which the boundary has to be drawn Examples -------- >>> x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000) >>> y = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000) >>> X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) >>> Z = Z = np.sinc(np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2))**2 + np.sinc(np.sqrt((X - 5)**2 + Y**2))**2 >>> vals = get_xy_boundaries_from_level(X, Y, Z, 0.5, 0, 0) >>> assert np.allclose(np.abs(vals), 0.44, atol=0.1) """ fig = plt.figure(np.random.random()) cs = fig.gca().contour(x, y, image, [level]) cont, seg, idx, xm, ym, d2 = find_nearest_contour(cs, x0, y0, pixel=False) min_x = cs.allsegs[cont][seg][:, 0].min() max_x = cs.allsegs[cont][seg][:, 0].max() min_y = cs.allsegs[cont][seg][:, 1].min() max_y = cs.allsegs[cont][seg][:, 1].max() plt.close(fig) return min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y def get_boundaries_from_level(x, y, level, x0): """Calculate boundaries of peak in x-y plot Parameters ---------- x, y : array-like The x and y values level : float The level at which boundaries will be traced x0 : float The local maximum around which the boundary has to be drawn Examples -------- >>> x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000) >>> y = np.sinc(x)**2 + np.sinc((x - 5))**2 >>> vals = get_boundaries_from_level(x, y, 0.5, 0) >>> assert np.allclose(np.abs(vals), 0.44, atol=0.1) """ max_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(x - x0)) idx = max_idx min_x = max_x = x0 # lower limit while idx > 0 and y[idx] > level: min_x = x[idx] idx -= 1 idx = max_idx # upper limit while idx < y.size and y[idx] > level: max_x = x[idx] idx += 1 return min_x, max_x def analyze_qffa_results(fname): """Search best candidates in a quasi-fast-folding search. This function searches the (typically) 2-d search plane from a QFFA search and finds the best five candidates. For the best candidate, it calculates Parameters ---------- fname : str File containing the folding search results """ ef = load_folding(fname) if not hasattr(ef, "M") or ef.M is None: ef.M = 1 ntrial = ef.stat.size if hasattr(ef, "oversample") and ef.oversample is not None: ntrial /= ef.oversample ntrial = int(ntrial) if ef.kind == "Z2n": ndof = ef.N - 1 detlev = z2_n_detection_level( epsilon=0.001, n=int(ef.N), ntrial=ntrial, n_summed_spectra=int(ef.M), ) nbin = max(16, ef.N * 8, ef.nbin if ef.nbin is not None else 1) label = "$" + "Z^2_{" + f"{ef.N}" + "}$" else: ndof = ef.nbin detlev = fold_detection_level(nbin=int(ef.nbin), epsilon=0.001, ntrial=ntrial) nbin = max(16, ef.nbin) label = rf"$\chi^2_{ndof}$ Stat" n_cands = 5 best_cands = find_peaks_in_image(ef.stat, n=n_cands) fddot = 0 if hasattr(ef, "fddots") and ef.fddots is not None: fddot = ef.fddots best_cand_table = Table( names=[ "fname", "mjd", "power", "f", "f_err_n", "f_err_p", "fdot", "fdot_err_n", "fdot_err_p", "fddot", "power_cl_0.9", "pulse_amp", "pulse_amp_err", "pulse_amp_cl_0.1", "pulse_amp_cl_0.9", "pulse_amp_ul_0.9", "f_idx", "fdot_idx", "fddot_idx", ], dtype=[ str, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, int, int, ], ) best_cand_table["power"].info.format = ".2f" best_cand_table["power_cl_0.9"].info.format = ".2f" best_cand_table["fdot"].info.format = ".2e" best_cand_table["fddot"].info.format = "g" best_cand_table["pulse_amp_cl_0.1"].info.format = ".2f" best_cand_table["pulse_amp_cl_0.9"].info.format = ".2f" best_cand_table["pulse_amp"].info.format = ".2f" best_cand_table["pulse_amp_err"].info.format = ".2f" best_cand_table["pulse_amp_ul_0.9"].info.format = ".2f" for i, idx in enumerate(best_cands): f_idx = fdot_idx = fddot_idx = 0 if len(ef.stat.shape) > 1 and ef.stat.shape[0] > 1: f_idx, fdot_idx = idx allfreqs = ef.freq[f_idx, :] allfdots = ef.freq[:, fdot_idx] allstats_f = ef.stat[f_idx, :] allstats_fdot = ef.stat[:, fdot_idx] f, fdot = ef.freq[f_idx, fdot_idx], ef.fdots[f_idx, fdot_idx] max_stat = ef.stat[f_idx, fdot_idx] sig_e1_m, sig_e1 = power_confidence_limits(max_stat, c=0.68, n=ef.N) fmin, fmax, fdotmin, fdotmax = get_xy_boundaries_from_level( ef.freq, ef.fdots, ef.stat, sig_e1_m, f, fdot ) elif len(ef.stat.shape) == 1: f_idx = idx allfreqs = ef.freq allstats_f = ef.stat f = ef.freq[f_idx] max_stat = ef.stat[f_idx] sig_e1_m, sig_e1 = power_confidence_limits(max_stat, c=0.68, n=ef.N) fmin, fmax = get_boundaries_from_level(ef.freq, ef.stat, sig_e1_m, f) fdot = fdotmin = fdotmax = 0 allfdots = None allstats_fdot = None else: raise ValueError("Did not understand stats shape.") if ef.ncounts is None: continue sig_0, sig_1 = power_confidence_limits(max_stat, c=0.90, n=ef.N) amp = amp_err = amp_ul = amp_1 = amp_0 = np.nan if max_stat < detlev: amp_ul = a_from_ssig(sig_1, ef.ncounts) * 100 else: amp = a_from_ssig(max_stat, ef.ncounts) * 100 amp_err = a_from_ssig(sig_e1, ef.ncounts) * 100 - amp amp_0 = a_from_ssig(sig_0, ef.ncounts) * 100 amp_1 = a_from_ssig(sig_1, ef.ncounts) * 100 best_cand_table.add_row( [ ef.filename, ef.pepoch, max_stat, f, fmin - f, fmax - f, fdot, fdotmin - fdot, fdotmax - fdot, fddot, sig_0, amp, amp_err, amp_0, amp_1, amp_ul, f_idx, fdot_idx, fddot_idx, ] ) if max_stat < detlev: # Only add one candidate continue Table({"freq": allfreqs, "stat": allstats_f}).write( f'{fname.replace(HEN_FILE_EXTENSION, "")}' f"_cand_{n_cands - i - 1}_fdot{fdot}.csv", overwrite=True, format="ascii", ) if allfdots is None: continue Table({"fdot": allfdots, "stat": allstats_fdot}).write( f'{fname.replace(HEN_FILE_EXTENSION, "")}' f"_cand_{n_cands - i - 1}_f{f}.dat", overwrite=True, format="ascii", ) print_qffa_results(best_cand_table) best_cand_table.meta.update( dict(nbin=nbin, ndof=ndof, label=label, filename=None, detlev=detlev) ) if ( hasattr(ef, "filename") and ef.filename is not None and os.path.exists(ef.filename) ): best_cand_table.meta["filename"] = ef.filename best_cand_table.write(fname + "_best_cands.csv", overwrite=True) return ef, best_cand_table def _common_parser(args=None): from .base import _add_default_args, check_negative_numbers_in_args description = "Search for pulsars using the epoch folding or the Z_n^2 " "algorithm" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("files", help="List of files", nargs="+") parser.add_argument( "-f", "--fmin", type=float, required=True, help="Minimum frequency to fold", ) parser.add_argument( "-F", "--fmax", type=float, required=True, help="Maximum frequency to fold", ) parser.add_argument( "--emin", default=None, type=float, help="Minimum energy (or PI if uncalibrated) to plot", ) parser.add_argument( "--emax", default=None, type=float, help="Maximum energy (or PI if uncalibrated) to plot", ) parser.add_argument( "--mean-fdot", type=float, required=False, help="Mean fdot to fold " "(only useful when using --fast)", default=0, ) parser.add_argument( "--mean-fddot", type=float, required=False, help="Mean fddot to fold " "(only useful when using --fast)", default=0, ) parser.add_argument( "--fdotmin", type=float, required=False, help="Minimum fdot to fold", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--fdotmax", type=float, required=False, help="Maximum fdot to fold", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--dynstep", type=int, required=False, help="Dynamical EF step", default=128, ) parser.add_argument( "--npfact", type=int, required=False, help="Size of search parameter space", default=2, ) parser.add_argument( "--n-transient-intervals", type=int, required=False, help="Number of transient intervals to investigate", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--nbin", default=128, type=int, help="Number of phase bins of the profile", ) parser.add_argument( "--segment-size", default=1e32, type=float, help="Size of the event list segment to use (default " "None, implying the whole observation)", ) parser.add_argument( "--step", default=None, type=float, help="Step size of the frequency axis. Defaults to " "1/oversample/observ.length. ", ) parser.add_argument( "--oversample", default=None, type=float, help="Oversampling factor - frequency resolution " "improvement w.r.t. the standard FFT's " "1/observ.length.", ) parser.add_argument( "--fast", help="Use a faster folding algorithm. " "It automatically searches for the first spin " "derivative using an optimized step." "This option ignores expocorr, fdotmin/max, " "segment-size, and step", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--ffa", help="Use *the* Fast Folding Algorithm by Staelin+69. " "No accelerated search allowed at the moment. " "Only recommended to search for slow pulsars.", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--transient", help="Look for transient emission (produces an animated" " GIF with the dynamic Z search)", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--expocorr", help="Correct for the exposure of the profile bins. " "This method is *much* slower, but it is useful " "for very slow pulsars, where data gaps due to " "occultation or SAA passages can significantly " "alter the exposure of different profile bins.", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--find-candidates", help="Find pulsation candidates using thresholding", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--conflevel", default=99, type=float, help="percent confidence level for thresholding " "[0-100).", ) parser.add_argument( "--fit-candidates", help="Fit the candidate peaks in the periodogram", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--curve", default="sinc", type=str, help="Kind of curve to use (sinc or Gaussian)", ) parser.add_argument( "--fit-frequency", type=float, help="Force the candidate frequency to FIT_FREQUENCY", ) # Only relevant to z search parser.add_argument( "-N", default=2, type=int, help="The number of harmonics to use in the search " "(the 'N' in Z^2_N; only relevant to Z search!)", ) args = check_negative_numbers_in_args(args) _add_default_args(parser, ["deorbit", "loglevel", "debug"]) args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.debug: args.loglevel = "DEBUG" log.setLevel(args.loglevel) return args def _common_main(args, func): args = _common_parser(args) files = args.files if args.fit_candidates and args.fit_frequency is None: args.find_candidates = True elif args.fit_candidates and args.fit_frequency is not None: args.find_candidates = False if func != z_n_search and raise ValueError("The fast option is only available for z searches") outfiles = [] for i_f, fname in enumerate(files):"Treating {fname}") mjdref = 0 kwargs = {} baseline = args.nbin kind = "EF" kind_label = kind n = 1 if func == z_n_search: n = args.N kwargs = {"nharm": args.N} baseline = args.N kind = "Z2n" kind_label = f"Z2{n}" ftype, events = get_file_type(fname) out_fname = hen_root(fname) + "_{}".format(kind_label) if args.emin is not None or args.emax is not None: emin = assign_value_if_none(args.emin, HENDRICS_STAR_VALUE) emax = assign_value_if_none(args.emax, HENDRICS_STAR_VALUE) out_fname += f"_{emin:g}-{emax:g}keV" if args.fmin is not None or args.fmax is not None: fmin = assign_value_if_none(args.fmin, HENDRICS_STAR_VALUE) fmax = assign_value_if_none(args.fmax, HENDRICS_STAR_VALUE) out_fname += f"_{fmin:g}-{fmax:g}Hz" if out_fname += "_fast" elif args.ffa: out_fname += "_ffa" if args.mean_fdot is not None and not np.isclose(args.mean_fdot * 1e10, 0): out_fname += f"_fd{args.mean_fdot * 1e10:g}e-10s-2" if ftype == "events": if hasattr(events, "mjdref"): mjdref = events.mjdref if args.emin is not None or args.emax is not None: events, elabel = filter_energy(events, args.emin, args.emax) if args.deorbit_par is not None: events = deorbit_events(events, args.deorbit_par) if oversample = assign_value_if_none(args.oversample, 4 * n) else: oversample = assign_value_if_none(args.oversample, 2) if args.transient and ftype == "lc": log.error("Transient search not yet available for light curves") if args.transient and ftype == "events": results = transient_search( events.time, args.fmin, args.fmax, fdot=0, nbin=args.nbin, n=n, nprof=args.n_transient_intervals, oversample=oversample, ) plot_transient_search(results, out_fname + "_transient.gif") continue if not and not args.ffa: fdotmin = args.fdotmin if args.fdotmin is not None else 0 fdotmax = args.fdotmax if args.fdotmax is not None else 0 results = folding_search( events, args.fmin, args.fmax, step=args.step, func=func, oversample=oversample, nbin=args.nbin, expocorr=args.expocorr, fdotmin=fdotmin, fdotmax=fdotmax, segment_size=args.segment_size, **kwargs, ) ref_time = events.gti[0, 0] elif fdotmin = args.fdotmin if args.fdotmin is not None else 0 fdotmax = args.fdotmax if args.fdotmax is not None else 0 search_fdot = True if args.fdotmax is not None and fdotmax <= fdotmin: search_fdot = False nbin = args.nbin if nbin / n < 8: nbin = n * 8 warnings.warn( f"The number of bins is too small for Z search." f"Increasing to {nbin}" ) results = search_with_qffa( events.time, args.fmin, args.fmax, fdot=args.mean_fdot, fddot=args.mean_fddot, nbin=nbin, n=n, nprof=None, npfact=args.npfact, oversample=oversample, search_fdot=search_fdot, ) ref_time = (events.time[-1] + events.time[0]) / 2 elif args.ffa: warnings.warn( "The Fast Folding Algorithm functionality is experimental. Use" " with care, and feel free to report any issues." ) results = search_with_ffa( events.time, args.fmin, args.fmax, nbin=args.nbin, n=n ) ref_time = events.time[0] length = events.time.max() - events.time.min() segment_size = np.min([length, args.segment_size]) M = length // segment_size fdots = 0 if len(results) == 4: frequencies, stats, step, length = results elif len(results) == 6: frequencies, fdots, stats, step, fdotsteps, length = results if length > args.dynstep and not ( or args.ffa): _ = dyn_folding_search( events, args.fmin, args.fmax, step=step, func=func, oversample=oversample, time_step=args.dynstep, **kwargs, ) efperiodogram = EFPeriodogram( frequencies, stats, kind, args.nbin, args.N, fdots=fdots, M=M, segment_size=segment_size, filename=fname, parfile=args.deorbit_par, emin=args.emin, emax=args.emax, mjdref=mjdref, pepoch=mjdref + ref_time / 86400, oversample=args.oversample, ) efperiodogram.upperlim = pf_upper_limit( np.max(stats), events.time.size, n=args.N ) efperiodogram.ncounts = events.time.size best_peaks = None if args.find_candidates: best_peaks, best_stat = efperiodogram.find_peaks(conflevel=args.conflevel) elif args.fit_frequency is not None: best_peaks = np.array([args.fit_frequency]) efperiodogram.peaks = best_peaks efperiodogram.peak_stat = [0] best_models = [] detected = best_peaks is not None and len(best_peaks) > 0 if args.fit_candidates and not detected: warnings.warn("No peaks detected") elif args.fit_candidates and not ( or args.ffa): search_width = 5 * oversample * step for f in best_peaks: good = np.abs(frequencies - f) < search_width if args.curve.lower() == "sinc": best_fun = fit( frequencies[good], stats[good], f, obs_length=length, baseline=baseline, ) elif args.curve.lower() == "gaussian": best_fun = fit(frequencies[good], stats[good], f, baseline=baseline) else: raise ValueError("`--curve` arg must be sinc or gaussian") best_models.append(best_fun) efperiodogram.best_fits = best_models efperiodogram.oversample = oversample save_folding(efperiodogram, out_fname + HEN_FILE_EXTENSION) if analyze_qffa_results(out_fname + HEN_FILE_EXTENSION) outfiles.append(out_fname + HEN_FILE_EXTENSION) return outfiles
[docs] def main_efsearch(args=None): """Main function called by the `HENefsearch` command line script.""" with log.log_to_file("HENefsearch.log"): return _common_main(args, epoch_folding_search)
[docs] def main_zsearch(args=None): """Main function called by the `HENzsearch` command line script.""" with log.log_to_file("HENzsearch.log"): return _common_main(args, z_n_search)
[docs] def z2_vs_pf(event_list, deadtime=0.0, ntrials=100, outfile=None, N=2): length = event_list.gti[-1, 1] - event_list.gti[0, 0] df = 1 / length result_table = Table(names=["pf", "z2"], dtype=[float, float]) for i in show_progress(range(ntrials)): pf = np.random.uniform(0, 1) new_event_list = scramble( event_list, deadtime=deadtime, smooth_kind="pulsed", pulsed_fraction=pf, ) frequencies, stats, _, _ = search_with_qffa( new_event_list.time, 1 - df * 2, 1 + df * 2, fdot=0, nbin=32, oversample=16, search_fdot=False, silent=True, n=N, ) result_table.add_row([pf, np.max(stats)]) if outfile is None: outfile = "z2_vs_pf.csv" result_table.write(outfile, overwrite=True) return result_table
[docs] def main_z2vspf(args=None): from .base import _add_default_args, check_negative_numbers_in_args description = ( "Get Z2 vs pulsed fraction for a given observation. Takes" " the original event list, scrambles the event arrival time," " adds a pulsation with random pulsed fraction, and takes" " the maximum value of Z2 in a small interval around the" " pulsation. Does this ntrial times, and plots." ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("fname", help="Input file name") parser.add_argument( "--ntrial", default=100, type=int, help="Number of trial values for the pulsed fraction", ) parser.add_argument( "--outfile", default=None, type=str, help="Output table file name" ) parser.add_argument( "--show-z-values", nargs="+", default=None, type=float, help="Show these Z values in the plot", ) parser.add_argument( "--emin", default=None, type=float, help="Minimum energy (or PI if uncalibrated) to plot", ) parser.add_argument( "--emax", default=None, type=float, help="Maximum energy (or PI if uncalibrated) to plot", ) parser.add_argument("-N", default=2, type=int, help="The N in Z^2_N") args = check_negative_numbers_in_args(args) _add_default_args(parser, ["loglevel", "debug"]) args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.debug: args.loglevel = "DEBUG" log.setLevel(args.loglevel) outfile = args.outfile if outfile is None: outfile = hen_root(args.fname) + "_z2vspf.csv" events = load_events(args.fname) if args.emin is not None or args.emax is not None: events, elabel = filter_energy(events, args.emin, args.emax) result_table = z2_vs_pf( events, deadtime=0.0, ntrials=args.ntrial, outfile=outfile, N=args.N ) if HAS_MPL: fig = plt.figure("Results", figsize=(10, 6)) plt.scatter(result_table["pf"] * 100, result_table["z2"]) plt.semilogy() plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel(r"Pulsed fraction (%)") plt.ylabel(r"$Z^2_{}$".format(args.N)) # if args.show_z_values is not None: for z in args.show_z_values: plt.axhline(z, alpha=0.5, color="r", ls="--") plt.savefig(outfile.replace(".csv", ".png")) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def main_accelsearch(args=None): from stingray.pulse.accelsearch import accelsearch from .base import _add_default_args, check_negative_numbers_in_args warnings.warn( "The accelsearch functionality is experimental. Use with care, " " and feel free to report any issues." ) description = "Run the accelerated search on pulsar data." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("fname", help="Input file name") parser.add_argument("--outfile", default=None, type=str, help="Output file name") parser.add_argument( "--emin", default=None, type=float, help="Minimum energy (or PI if uncalibrated) to plot", ) parser.add_argument( "--emax", default=None, type=float, help="Maximum energy (or PI if uncalibrated) to plot", ) parser.add_argument( "--fmin", default=0.1, type=float, help="Minimum frequency to search, in Hz", ) parser.add_argument( "--fmax", default=1000, type=float, help="Maximum frequency to search, in Hz", ) parser.add_argument( "--nproc", default=1, type=int, help="Number of processors to use" ) parser.add_argument( "--zmax", default=100, type=int, help="Maximum acceleration (in spectral bins)", ) parser.add_argument( "--delta-z", default=1, type=float, help="Fdot step for search (1 is the default resolution)", ) parser.add_argument( "--interbin", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use interbinning", ) parser.add_argument( "--pad-to-double", default=False, action="store_true", help="Pad to the double of bins " "(sort-of interbinning)", ) parser.add_argument( "--detrend", default=None, type=float, help="Detrending timescale", ) parser.add_argument( "--deorbit-par", default=None, type=str, help="Parameter file in TEMPO2/PINT format", ) parser.add_argument( "--red-noise-filter", default=False, action="store_true", help="Correct FFT for red noise (use with caution)", ) args = check_negative_numbers_in_args(args) _add_default_args(parser, ["loglevel", "debug"]) args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.debug: args.loglevel = "DEBUG" log.setLevel(args.loglevel) outfile = args.outfile if outfile is None: label = "_accelsearch" if args.emin is not None or args.emax is not None: emin = assign_value_if_none(args.emin, HENDRICS_STAR_VALUE) emax = assign_value_if_none(args.emax, HENDRICS_STAR_VALUE) label += f"_{emin:g}-{emax:g}keV" if args.interbin: label += "_interbin" elif args.pad_to_double: label += "_pad" if args.red_noise_filter: label += "_rednoise" if args.detrend: label += f"_detrend{args.detrend}" outfile = hen_root(args.fname) + label + ".csv" emin = args.emin emax = args.emax debug = args.debug interbin = args.interbin zmax = args.zmax fmax = args.fmax fmin = args.fmin delta_z = args.delta_z nproc = args.nproc"Opening file {args.fname}") events = load_events(args.fname) if args.deorbit_par is not None: events = deorbit_events(events, args.deorbit_par) nyq = fmax * 5 dt = 0.5 / nyq"Searching using dt={dt}") if emin is not None or emax is not None: events, elabel = filter_energy(events, emin, emax) tstart = events.gti[0, 0] GTI = events.gti max_length = GTI.max() - tstart event_times = events.time t0 = GTI[0, 0] Nbins = int(np.rint(max_length / dt)) if Nbins > 10**8: f"The number of bins is more than 100 millions: {Nbins}. " "Using memmap." ) dt = adjust_dt_for_power_of_two(dt, max_length) if args.pad_to_double: times = memmapped_arange(-0.5 * max_length, 1.5 * max_length, dt) counts = histogram( (event_times - t0).astype(np.double), bins=times.size, range=[ -np.double(max_length) * 0.5, np.double(max_length - dt) * 1.5, ], ) else: times = memmapped_arange(0, max_length, dt) counts = histogram( (event_times - t0).astype(np.double), bins=times.size, range=[0, np.double(max_length - dt)], ) if args.detrend is not None:"Detrending light curve") Nsmooth = args.detrend / dt / 3 plt.figure("Bu") plt.plot(times, counts) for g in GTI - t0: print(g, Nsmooth) good = (times > g[0]) & (times <= g[1]) if (g[1] - g[0]) < args.detrend: counts[good] = 0 else: counts[good] -= gaussian_filter(counts[good], Nsmooth, mode="reflect") counts += 2 plt.plot(times, counts)"Times and counts have {times.size} bins") # Note: det_p_value was calculated as # pds_probability(pds_detection_level(0.015) * 0.64) => 0.068 # where 0.64 indicates the 36% detection level drop at the bin edges. # Interbin multiplies the number of candidates, hence use the standard # detection level det_p_value = 0.068 if interbin: det_p_value = 0.015 elif args.pad_to_double: # Half of the bins are zeros. det_p_value = 0.068 * 2 fft_rescale = None if args.red_noise_filter: def fft_rescale(fourier_trans): pds = (fourier_trans * fourier_trans.conj()).real smooth = gaussian_filter(pds, 31) rescale = 2 / smooth return fourier_trans * rescale**0.5 results = accelsearch( times, counts, delta_z=delta_z, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, gti=GTI - t0, zmax=zmax, ref_time=t0, debug=debug, interbin=interbin, nproc=nproc, det_p_value=det_p_value, fft_rescale=fft_rescale, candidate_file=outfile.replace(".csv", ""), ) if len(results) > 0: results["emin"] = emin if emin else -1.0 results["emax"] = emax if emax else -1.0 results["fmin"] = fmin results["fmax"] = fmax results["zmax"] = zmax if hasattr(events, "mission"): results["mission"] = events.mission.replace(",", "+") results["instr"] = events.instr.replace(",", "+") results["mjdref"] = np.double(events.mjdref) results["pepoch"] = events.mjdref + results["time"] / 86400.0 results.sort("power") print("Best candidates:") results["time", "frequency", "fdot", "power", "pepoch"][-10:][::-1].pprint() print(f"See all {len(results)} candidates in {outfile}") else: print("No candidates found")"Writing results to file") results.write(outfile, overwrite=True) return outfile