Source code for hendrics.fake

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Functions to simulate data and produce a fake event file."""

import os
import warnings
import copy
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as ra
from astropy import log
from import Header
from astropy.logger import AstropyUserWarning
from import EventList
from stingray.lightcurve import Lightcurve
from stingray.utils import assign_value_if_none
from stingray.filters import filter_for_deadtime
from import read_mission_info, get_key_from_mission_info
from .io import load_lcurve
from .io import load_events, save_events, HEN_FILE_EXTENSION
from .base import _empty, get_file_format, r_in
from .fold import filter_energy
from .lcurve import lcurve_from_fits
from .base import njit, deorbit_events

def _clean_up_header(header):
    if header is None:
        return None
    for key in header.keys():
        for k in ["TTYP", "TFORM"]:
            if key.startswith(k):
    for k in ["EXTNAME", "PCOUNT", "GCOUNT", "NAXIS1", "NAXIS2"]:
        if k in header:
    return header

def _fill_in_default_information(tbheader):
    tbheader["OBSERVER"] = "Edwige Bubble"
    tbheader["COMMENT"] = (
        "FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is"
        " defined in 'Astronomy and Astrophysics', volume"
        " 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H"
    tbheader["OBS_ID"] = ("00000000001", "Observation ID")
    tbheader["TARG_ID"] = (0, "Target ID")
    tbheader["OBJECT"] = ("Fake X-1", "Name of observed object")
    tbheader["RA_OBJ"] = (0.0, "[deg] R.A. Object")
    tbheader["DEC_OBJ"] = (0.0, "[deg] Dec Object")
    tbheader["RA_NOM"] = (
        "Right Ascension used for barycenter corrections",
    tbheader["DEC_NOM"] = (0.0, "Declination used for barycenter corrections")
    tbheader["RA_PNT"] = (0.0, "[deg] RA pointing")
    tbheader["DEC_PNT"] = (0.0, "[deg] Dec pointing")
    tbheader["PA_PNT"] = (0.0, "[deg] Position angle (roll)")
    tbheader["EQUINOX"] = (2.000e03, "Equinox of celestial coord system")
    tbheader["RADECSYS"] = ("FK5", "Coordinate Reference System")
    tbheader["TASSIGN"] = ("SATELLITE", "Time assigned by onboard clock")
    tbheader["TIMESYS"] = ("TDB", "All times in this file are TDB")
    tbheader["TIMEREF"] = (
        "Times are pathlength-corrected to barycenter",
    tbheader["CLOCKAPP"] = (
        "TRUE if timestamps corrected by gnd sware",
    tbheader["COMMENT"] = (
        "MJDREFI+MJDREFF = epoch of Jan 1, 2010, in TT " "time system."
    tbheader["TIMEUNIT"] = ("s", "unit for time keywords")
    return tbheader

[docs] def generate_fake_fits_observation( event_list=None, filename=None, instr=None, gti=None, tstart=None, tstop=None, mission=None, mjdref=55197.00076601852, livetime=None, additional_columns={}, ): """Generate fake X-ray data. Takes an event list (as a list of floats) All inputs are None by default, and can be set during the call. Parameters ---------- event_list : list-like :class:`` object. If left None, 1000 random events will be generated, for a total length of 1025 s or the difference between tstop and tstart. filename : str Output file name Returns ------- hdulist : FITS hdu list FITS hdu list of the output file Other Parameters ---------------- mjdref : float Reference MJD. Default is 55197.00076601852 (NuSTAR) pi : list-like The PI channel of each event tstart : float Start of the observation (s from mjdref) tstop : float End of the observation (s from mjdref) instr : str Name of the instrument. Default is 'FPMA' livetime : float Total livetime. Default is tstop - tstart """ from import fits import numpy.random as ra inheader = None if event_list is None: tstart = assign_value_if_none(tstart, 8e7) tstop = assign_value_if_none(tstop, tstart + 1025) ev_list = np.sort(ra.uniform(tstart, tstop, 1000)) gti = assign_value_if_none(gti, np.array([[tstart, tstop]])) else: if hasattr(event_list, "header") and event_list.header is not None: inheader = Header.fromstring(event_list.header) inheader = _clean_up_header(inheader) ev_list = event_list.time gti = assign_value_if_none( event_list.gti, np.asarray([[ev_list[0], ev_list[-1]]]) ) mission = assign_value_if_none(mission, event_list.mission) instr = assign_value_if_none(instr, event_list.instr) tstart = assign_value_if_none(tstart, gti[0, 0]) tstop = assign_value_if_none(tstop, gti[-1, 1]) if hasattr(event_list, "mjdref") and event_list.mjdref is not None: mjdref = event_list.mjdref mission = assign_value_if_none(mission, "NuSTAR") instr = assign_value_if_none(instr, "FPMA") if hasattr(event_list, "pi") and event_list.pi is not None: pi = event_list.pi else: pi = ra.randint(0, 1024, np.size(ev_list)) if hasattr(event_list, "cal_pi") and event_list.cal_pi is not None: cal_pi = event_list.cal_pi else: cal_pi = pi / 3 filename = assign_value_if_none(filename, "events.evt") livetime = assign_value_if_none(livetime, tstop - tstart) if livetime > tstop - tstart: raise ValueError("Livetime must be equal or smaller than " "tstop - tstart") mission_info = read_mission_info(mission) allowed_instr = [] if "instruments" in mission_info: allowed_instr = mission_info["instruments"] # Just prefer EPN for XMM if "xmm" in mission.lower(): allowed_instr = ["EPN", "EMOS1", "EMOS2", "RGS1", "RGS2"] allowed_instr = [ins.lower() for ins in allowed_instr] if (allowed_instr != []) and (instr.lower() not in allowed_instr): instr = allowed_instr[0] ccol = get_key_from_mission_info(mission_info, "ccol", "none", inst=instr) if ccol is not None and ccol.lower() == "none": ccol = None ecol = get_key_from_mission_info(mission_info, "ecol", "PI", inst=instr) ext = get_key_from_mission_info(mission_info, "events", "EVENTS", inst=instr) # Create primary header prihdr = fits.Header() prihdr["OBSERVER"] = "Edwige Bubble" if inheader is not None and "OBSERVER" in inheader: prihdr["OBSERVER"] = inheader["OBSERVER"] prihdr["TELESCOP"] = (mission, "Telescope (mission) name") prihdr["INSTRUME"] = (instr, "Instrument name") prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr) prihdu.verify("exception") # Write events to table col1 = fits.Column(name="TIME", format="1D", array=ev_list) allcols = [col1] if ccol is not None: if not hasattr(event_list, "detector_id") or event_list.detector_id is None: ccdnr = np.zeros(np.size(ev_list)) + 1 ccdnr[1] = 2 # Make it less trivial ccdnr[10] = 7 else: ccdnr = event_list.detector_id allcols.append(fits.Column(name=ccol, format="1J", array=ccdnr)) if mission.lower().strip() in ["xmm", "swift"]: allcols.append(fits.Column(name="PHA", format="1J", array=pi)) allcols.append(fits.Column(name="PI", format="1J", array=cal_pi)) else: allcols.append(fits.Column(name=ecol, format="1J", array=pi)) for c in additional_columns.keys(): col = fits.Column( name=c, array=additional_columns[c]["data"], format=additional_columns[c]["format"], ) allcols.append(col) cols = fits.ColDefs(allcols) # ---- Fake lots of information ---- tbheader = Header() tbheader = _fill_in_default_information(tbheader) # If None, it will not update tbheader.update(inheader) tbheader["TSTART"] = ( tstart, "Elapsed seconds since MJDREF at start of file", ) tbheader["TELESCOP"] = (mission, "Telescope (mission) name") tbheader["INSTRUME"] = (instr, "Instrument name") if mjdref != float(int(mjdref)): tbheader["MJDREFI"] = ( int(mjdref), "TDB time reference; Modified Julian Day (int)", ) tbheader["MJDREFF"] = ( mjdref - int(mjdref), "TDB time reference; Modified Julian Day (frac)", ) tbheader.pop("MJDREF", None) else: tbheader["MJDREF"] = mjdref tbheader.pop("MJDREFI", None) tbheader.pop("MJDREFF", None) tbheader["TSTOP"] = (tstop, "Elapsed seconds since MJDREF at end of file") tbheader["LIVETIME"] = (livetime, "On-source time") tbheader["TIMEZERO"] = (0.000000e00, "Time Zero") tbheader["HISTORY"] = "Generated with HENDRICS by {0}".format(os.getenv("USER")) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols, header=tbheader) = ext tbhdu.add_checksum() tbhdu.verify("exception") # ---- END Fake lots of information ---- # Fake GTIs start = gti[:, 0] stop = gti[:, 1] col1 = fits.Column(name="START", format="1D", array=start) col2 = fits.Column(name="STOP", format="1D", array=stop) allcols = [col1, col2] cols = fits.ColDefs(allcols) gtinames = ["GTI"] if mission.lower().strip() == "xmm": gtinames = [] for i in set(ccdnr): gtinames.append(f"STDGTI{int(i):02d}") all_new_hdus = [prihdu, tbhdu] for name in gtinames: gtihdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) = name gtihdu.verify("exception") all_new_hdus.append(gtihdu) tbhdu.verify("exception") thdulist = fits.HDUList(all_new_hdus) assert thdulist[1].verify_datasum() == 1 thdulist.writeto(filename, overwrite=True, checksum=True, output_verify="exception") thdulist.close() return filename
def _read_event_list(filename): ev_list = load_events(filename) return ev_list def _read_light_curve(filename): file_format = get_file_format(filename) if file_format == "fits": filename = lcurve_from_fits(filename)[0] lc = load_lcurve(filename) return lc
[docs] def acceptance_rejection( dt, counts_per_bin, t0=0.0, poissonize_n_events=False, deadtime=0.0 ): """ Examples -------- >>> counts_per_bin = [10, 5, 5] >>> dt = 0.1 >>> ev = acceptance_rejection(dt, counts_per_bin) >>> assert ev.size == 20 >>> assert ev.max() < 0.3 >>> assert ev.min() > 0 >>> assert np.all(np.diff(ev) >= 0) """ counts_per_bin = np.asarray(counts_per_bin) rates = counts_per_bin / dt dead_time_corrected_rates = r_in(deadtime, rates) counts_per_bin = dead_time_corrected_rates * dt n_events = np.rint(np.sum(counts_per_bin)).astype(int) if poissonize_n_events: n_events = np.random.poisson(n_events) n_bins = counts_per_bin.size event_times = np.zeros(n_events) n_missing = n_events M = np.max(counts_per_bin) while n_missing > 0: stats = np.random.uniform(0, M, n_missing) float_bin = np.random.uniform(0, n_bins, n_missing) int_bin = np.floor(float_bin).astype(int) good = stats < counts_per_bin[int_bin] n = np.count_nonzero(good) if n == 0: continue start_bin = -n_missing end_bin = -n_missing + n if end_bin == 0: end_bin = event_times.size event_times[start_bin:end_bin] = float_bin[good] * dt + t0 n_missing -= n return filter_for_deadtime(np.sort(event_times), deadtime)
[docs] def make_counts_pulsed(nevents, t_start, t_stop, pulsed_fraction=0.0): """ Examples -------- >>> nevents = 10 >>> dt, counts = make_counts_pulsed(nevents, 0, 100) >>> assert np.isclose(np.sum(counts), nevents) >>> dt, counts = make_counts_pulsed(nevents, 0, 100, pulsed_fraction=1) >>> assert np.isclose(np.sum(counts), nevents) """ dt = 0.0546372810934756 length = t_start - t_stop n_bins = int(np.ceil(length / dt)) # make dt an exact divisor of the length dt = length / n_bins times = np.arange(t_start, t_stop, dt) sinusoid = pulsed_fraction / 2 * np.sin(np.pi * 2 * times) lc = 1 - pulsed_fraction / 2 + sinusoid counts = lc * nevents / np.sum(lc) return dt, counts
[docs] def scramble( event_list, smooth_kind="flat", dt=None, pulsed_fraction=0.0, deadtime=0.0, orbit_par=None, frequency=1, ): """Scramble event list, GTI by GTI. Parameters ---------- event_list: :class:`` object Input event list Other parameters ---------------- smooth_kind: str in ['flat', 'smooth', 'pulsed'] if 'flat', count the events GTI by GTI without caring about long-term variability; if 'smooth', try to calculate smooth light curve first dt: float If ``smooth_kind`` is 'smooth', bin the light curve with this bin time. Ignored for other values of ``smooth_kind`` pulsed_fraction: float If ``smooth_kind`` is 'pulsed', use this pulse fraction, defined as the 2 A / B, where A is the amplitude of the sinusoid and B the maximum flux. Ignored for other values of ``smooth_kind`` deadtime: float Dead time in the data. orbit_par: str Parameter file for orbital modulation Returns ------- new_event_list: :class:`` object "Scrambled" event list Examples -------- >>> times = np.array([0.5, 134, 246, 344, 867]) >>> event_list = EventList( ... times, gti=np.array([[0, 0.9], [111, 123.2], [125.123, 1000]])) >>> new_event_list = scramble(event_list, 'smooth') >>> assert new_event_list.time.size == times.size >>> assert np.all(new_event_list.gti == event_list.gti) >>> new_event_list = scramble(event_list, 'flat') >>> assert new_event_list.time.size == times.size >>> assert np.all(new_event_list.gti == event_list.gti) """ new_event_list = copy.deepcopy(event_list) assert np.all(np.diff(new_event_list.time) > 0) idxs = np.searchsorted(new_event_list.time, new_event_list.gti) if smooth_kind == "pulsed": # Frequency is one, but can be anywhere in the frequency bin (for # sensitivity losses) length = new_event_list.gti.max() - new_event_list.gti.min() df = 0.5 / length frequency += np.random.uniform(-df, df) for (i_start, i_stop), gti_boundary in zip(idxs, new_event_list.gti): locally_flat = False nevents = i_stop - i_start t_start, t_stop = gti_boundary[0], gti_boundary[1] if nevents < 1: continue length = t_stop - t_start if nevents < 10 and smooth_kind == "pulsed": continue if length <= 1: # in very short GTIs, always assume a flat distribution. locally_flat = True if smooth_kind == "flat" or locally_flat: rate = nevents / length input_rate = r_in(deadtime, rate) new_events = np.sort( np.random.uniform( t_start, t_stop, np.rint(nevents * input_rate / rate).astype(int), ) ) new_events = filter_for_deadtime(new_events, deadtime) new_event_list.time[i_start:i_stop] = new_events[: i_stop - i_start] continue elif smooth_kind == "smooth": if dt is None: # Try to have at least 20 counts per bin on average dt = min(length / (nevents / 20), length) # make dt an exact divisor of the length n_bins = int(np.ceil(length / dt)) dt = length / n_bins counts, _ = np.histogram( new_event_list.time[i_start:i_stop], range=[t_start, t_stop], bins=n_bins, ) elif smooth_kind == "pulsed": # dt must be sufficiently small so that the frequency can be # detected with no loss of sensitivity. Moreover, not exactly a # multiple of the frequency, to increase randomness in the # detection sensitivity. I take a random Nyquist frequency between # 10 and 15 times the pulse frequency nyq = np.random.uniform(frequency * 10, frequency * 15) dt = 0.5 / nyq n_bins = int(np.ceil(length / dt)) # make dt an exact divisor of the length dt = length / n_bins times = np.arange(t_start, t_stop, dt) sinusoid = pulsed_fraction / 2 * np.sin(np.pi * 2 * times * frequency) lc = 1 - pulsed_fraction / 2 + sinusoid counts = lc * nevents / np.sum(lc) else: raise ValueError("Unknown value for `smooth_kind`") newev = acceptance_rejection( dt, counts, t0=t_start, poissonize_n_events=False, deadtime=deadtime, ) new_event_list.time[i_start:i_stop] = newev if orbit_par is not None: new_event_list = deorbit_events(new_event_list, orbit_par, invert=True) return new_event_list
[docs] def main_scramble(args=None): """Main function called by the `HENscramble` command line script.""" import argparse from .base import _add_default_args, check_negative_numbers_in_args description = ( "Scramble the events inside an event list, maintaining the same " "energies and GTIs" ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument( "fname", type=str, default=None, help="File containing input event list", ) parser.add_argument( "--smooth-kind", choices=["smooth", "flat", "pulsed"], help="Special testing value", default="flat", ) parser.add_argument( "--deadtime", type=float, default=0, help="Dead time magnitude. Can be specified as a " "single number, or two. In this last case, the " "second value is used as sigma of the dead time " "distribution", ) parser.add_argument( "--dt", type=float, default=0, help="Time resolution of smoothed light curve", ) parser.add_argument( "--pulsed-fraction", type=float, default=0, help="Pulsed fraction of simulated pulsations", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--frequency", type=float, default=1, help="Pulsed fraction of simulated pulsations", ) parser.add_argument("--outfile", type=str, default=None, help="Output file name") args = check_negative_numbers_in_args(args) _add_default_args(parser, ["deorbit", "energies", "loglevel", "debug"]) args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.debug: args.loglevel = "DEBUG" log.setLevel(args.loglevel) event_list = load_events(args.fname) emin = emax = None if args.energy_interval is not None: emin, emax = args.energy_interval event_list, elabel = filter_energy(event_list, emin, emax) if elabel != "Energy": raise ValueError( "You are filtering by energy but the data are not calibrated" ) new_event_list = scramble( event_list, smooth_kind=args.smooth_kind, dt=args.dt, pulsed_fraction=args.pulsed_fraction, deadtime=args.deadtime, orbit_par=args.deorbit_par, frequency=args.frequency, ) if args.outfile is not None: outfile = args.outfile else: label = "_scramble" if args.smooth_kind == "pulsed": label += f"_pulsed_df{args.pulsed_fraction:g}" elif args.smooth_kind == "smooth": label += f"_smooth_dt{args.dt:g}s" if args.deadtime > 0: label += f"_deadtime_{args.deadtime:g}" if args.energy_interval is not None: label += f"_{emin:g}-{emax:g}keV" outfile = args.fname.replace( HEN_FILE_EXTENSION, f"{label}" + HEN_FILE_EXTENSION ) save_events(new_event_list, outfile) return outfile
[docs] def main(args=None): """Main function called by the `HENfake` command line script.""" import argparse from .base import _add_default_args, check_negative_numbers_in_args description = ( "Create an event file in FITS format from an event list, or simulating" " it. If input event list is not specified, generates the events " "randomly" ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--event-list", type=str, default=None, help="File containing event list", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--lc", type=str, default=None, help="File containing light curve", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--ctrate", type=float, default=None, help="Count rate for simulated events", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--outname", type=str, default="events.evt", help="Output file name", ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--instrument", type=str, default=None, help="Instrument name" ) parser.add_argument("-m", "--mission", type=str, default=None, help="Mission name") parser.add_argument( "--tstart", type=float, default=None, help="Start time of the observation (s from MJDREF)", ) parser.add_argument( "--tstop", type=float, default=None, help="End time of the observation (s from MJDREF)", ) parser.add_argument( "--mjdref", type=float, default=55197.00076601852, help="Reference MJD", ) parser.add_argument( "--deadtime", type=float, default=None, nargs="+", help="Dead time magnitude. Can be specified as a " "single number, or two. In this last case, the " "second value is used as sigma of the dead time " "distribution", ) args = check_negative_numbers_in_args(args) _add_default_args(parser, ["loglevel", "debug"]) args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.debug: args.loglevel = "DEBUG" log.setLevel(args.loglevel) with log.log_to_file("HENfake.log"): additional_columns = {} livetime = None if is None and args.ctrate is None and args.event_list is not None: event_list = _read_event_list(args.event_list) elif is not None or args.ctrate is not None: event_list = EventList() if is not None: lc = _read_light_curve( elif args.ctrate is not None: tstart = assign_value_if_none(args.tstart, 0) tstop = assign_value_if_none(args.tstop, 1024) dt = (tstop - tstart) / 1024 t = np.arange(tstart, tstop + 1, dt) lc = Lightcurve(time=t, counts=args.ctrate + np.zeros_like(t), dt=dt) event_list.simulate_times(lc) nevents = len(event_list.time) event_list.pi = np.zeros(nevents, dtype=int) event_list.mjdref = args.mjdref"{} events generated".format(nevents)) else: event_list = None if args.deadtime is not None and event_list is not None: deadtime = args.deadtime[0] deadtime_sigma = None if len(args.deadtime) > 1: deadtime_sigma = args.deadtime[1] event_list, info = filter_for_deadtime( event_list, deadtime, dt_sigma=deadtime_sigma, return_all=True )"{} events after filter".format(len(event_list.time))) prior = np.zeros_like(event_list.time) prior[1:] = np.diff(event_list.time) - info.deadtime[:-1] additional_columns["PRIOR"] = {"data": prior, "format": "D"} additional_columns["KIND"] = { "data": info.is_event, "format": "L", } livetime = np.sum(prior) generate_fake_fits_observation( event_list=event_list, filename=args.outname, instr=args.instrument, mission=args.mission, tstart=args.tstart, tstop=args.tstop, mjdref=args.mjdref, livetime=livetime, additional_columns=additional_columns, )