Source code for hendrics.plot

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Quicklook plots."""

import copy
import os
import warnings
from import Iterable

import matplotlib.colors as colors
import numpy as np
from stingray.gti import create_gti_mask
from stingray.power_colors import plot_hues, plot_power_colors

from astropy import log
from astropy.modeling import Model
from astropy.modeling.models import Const1D
from astropy.stats import poisson_conf_interval
from astropy.table import Table

from .base import _assign_value_if_none, deorbit_events
from .base import pds_detection_level as detection_level
from .efsearch import analyze_qffa_results
from .fold import filter_energy, fold_events
from .io import (

def _next_color(ax):
    xlim = ax.get_xlim()
    ylim = ax.get_ylim()
    p = ax.plot(xlim, ylim)
    color = p[0].get_color()
    return color

def _baseline_fun(x, a):
    """A constant function."""
    return a

def _value_or_none(dict_like, key):
        return dict_like[key]
    except KeyError:
        return None

[docs] def rescale_plot_units(values): """Rescale the values to an order of magnitude that allows better plotting. Subtracts the mean ``mean`` from the values, then rescales the residuals to a comfortable order of magnitude ``oom``. If ``out`` are the rescaled values, this should always work:: out * 10**oom + mean == values Parameters ---------- values: array-like Input values to be rescaled Returns ------- mean: float The mean of the input values, rounded to the order of magnitude of the data span oom : int The order of magnitude of the data span values : array-like The rescaled values Examples -------- >>> values = np.arange(-0.003, 0.0032, 0.0002) + 5.0001 >>> mean, oom, rescaled = rescale_plot_units(values) >>> assert mean == 5.0 >>> oom -3 >>> assert np.allclose(rescaled * 10**oom + mean, values) >>> values = np.arange(-3, 3.2, 0.2) + 5.0001 >>> mean, oom, rescaled = rescale_plot_units(values) >>> assert oom == 0 >>> assert mean == 0.0 >>> assert np.allclose(rescaled, values) """ span = values.max() - values.min() oom = int(np.log10(span)) - 1 if abs(oom) <= 2: return 0.0, 0, values mean = round(values.mean(), -oom) return mean, oom, (values - mean) / 10**oom
[docs] def plot_generic( fnames, vars, errs=None, figname=None, xlog=None, ylog=None, output_data_file=None, ): """Generic plotting function.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if is_string(fnames): fnames = [fnames] figname = _assign_value_if_none(figname, f"{vars[1]} vs {vars[0]}") plt.figure(figname) ax = plt.gca() if xlog: ax.set_xscale("log", nonpositive="clip") if ylog: ax.set_yscale("log", nonpositive="clip") xlabel, ylabel = vars xlabel_err, ylabel_err = None, None if errs is not None: xlabel_err, ylabel_err = errs for i, fname in enumerate(fnames): data = get_file_type(fname)[1].dict() color = _next_color(ax) xdata = data[xlabel] ydata = data[ylabel] xdata_err = _value_or_none(data, xlabel_err) ydata_err = _value_or_none(data, ylabel_err) plt.errorbar( xdata, ydata, yerr=ydata_err, xerr=xdata_err, fmt="-", drawstyle="steps-mid", color=color, label=fname, ) if output_data_file is not None: save_as_qdp( [xdata, ydata], errors=[xdata_err, ydata_err], filename=output_data_file, mode="a", ) plt.xlabel(vars[0]) plt.ylabel(vars[1]) plt.legend()
def _get_const(models): """Get constant from Astropy model, list of models or compound model. Return None if no Const1D objects are in ``models``. Return the value of the first Const1D object found. Examples -------- >>> from astropy.modeling.models import Const1D, Gaussian1D >>> model = Const1D(2) + Gaussian1D(1, 4, 5) >>> assert _get_const(model) == 2.0 >>> assert _get_const(model[0]) == 2.0 >>> assert _get_const([model[0]]) == 2.0 >>> assert _get_const([[model]]) == 2.0 >>> _get_const(model[1]) >>> _get_const(None) >>> _get_const(1) >>> _get_const('avdsfa') """ if isinstance(models, Const1D): return models.amplitude.value if hasattr(models, "submodel_names"): for subm in models: if isinstance(subm, Const1D): return subm.amplitude.value if models is None: return None if isinstance(models, Iterable) and not is_string(models) and len(models) != 0: for model in models: return _get_const(model) return None
[docs] def plot_powercolors(fnames): if isinstance(fnames, Iterable) and not is_string(fnames): outs = [] for fname in fnames: outs.append(plot_powercolors(fname)) return outs ts = load_data(fnames) plot_power_colors(ts["pc1"], ts["pc1_err"], ts["pc2"], ts["pc2_err"], plot_spans=True) plot_hues(ts["rms"], ts["rms_err"], ts["pc1"], ts["pc2"], polar=True, plot_spans=True) plot_hues(ts["rms"], ts["rms_err"], ts["pc1"], ts["pc2"], polar=False, plot_spans=True) return ts
[docs] def plot_pds( fnames, figname=None, xlog=None, ylog=None, output_data_file=None, white_sub=False, ): """Plot a list of PDSs, or a single one.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import curve_fit if is_string(fnames): fnames = [fnames] figlabel = fnames[0] for i, fname in enumerate(fnames): pds_obj = load_pds(fname, nosub=True) if pds_obj.df is None: pds_obj.df = pds_obj.freq[1] - pds_obj.freq[0] if np.allclose(np.diff(pds_obj.freq), pds_obj.df): freq = pds_obj.freq xlog = _assign_value_if_none(xlog, False) ylog = _assign_value_if_none(ylog, False) else: flo = pds_obj.freq - pds_obj.df / 2 fhi = pds_obj.freq + pds_obj.df / 2 freq = (fhi + flo) / 2 xlog = _assign_value_if_none(xlog, True) ylog = _assign_value_if_none(ylog, True) models = [] if hasattr(pds_obj, "best_fits") and pds_obj.best_fits is not None: models = pds_obj.best_fits if isinstance(models, Model): models = [models] pds = pds_obj.power epds = pds_obj.power_err npds = pds_obj.m norm = pds_obj.norm lev = detection_level(epsilon=0.015, n_summed_spectra=npds, ntrial=pds.size) if norm == "rms": # we need the unnormalized power lev = lev / 2 * pds_obj.nphots lev, _ = pds_obj._normalize_crossspectrum(lev, pds_obj.fftlen) if xlog and ylog: plt.figure("PDS - Loglog " + figlabel) else: plt.figure("PDS " + figlabel) ax = plt.gca() color = _next_color(ax) if xlog: ax.set_xscale("log", nonpositive="clip") if ylog: ax.set_yscale("log", nonpositive="clip") level = lev # Can be modified below y = pds[1:] yerr = None if epds is None else epds[1:] if not white_sub: white_sub = norm.lower() in ["rms", "frac"] and xlog and ylog if not white_sub: plt.plot(freq[1:], y, drawstyle="steps-mid", color=color, label=fname) for i, func in enumerate(models): plt.plot( freq, func(freq), label=f"Model {i + 1}", zorder=20, color="k", ) else: # TODO: Very rough! Use new machinery const = _get_const(models) if const is None: p, pcov = curve_fit(_baseline_fun, freq, pds, p0=[2], sigma=epds)"White noise level is {p[0]}") const = p[0] pds -= const level = lev - const y = pds[1:] * freq[1:] yerr = None if epds is None else epds[1:] * freq[1:] plt.plot(freq[1:], y, drawstyle="steps-mid", color=color, label=fname) level *= freq for i, func in enumerate(models): const = _get_const(func) plt.plot( freq, freq * (func(freq) - const), label=f"Model {i + 1}", zorder=20, color="k", ) if np.any(level < 0): continue if isinstance(level, Iterable): plt.plot(freq, level, ls="--", color=color) else: plt.axhline(level, ls="--", color=color) if output_data_file is not None: save_as_qdp( [freq[1:], y], errors=[None, yerr], filename=output_data_file, mode="a", ) plt.xlabel("Frequency") if norm.lower() == "rms": plt.ylabel("(rms/mean)^2") elif norm.lower() == "leahy": plt.ylabel("Leahy power") plt.legend() if figname is not None: plt.savefig(figname)
[docs] def plot_cospectrum(fnames, figname=None, xlog=None, ylog=None, output_data_file=None): """Plot the cospectra from a list of CPDSs, or a single one.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if is_string(fnames): fnames = [fnames] figlabel = fnames[0] for i, fname in enumerate(fnames): pds_obj = load_pds(fname, nosub=True) models = [] if hasattr(pds_obj, "best_fits") and pds_obj.best_fits is not None: models = pds_obj.best_fits if np.allclose(np.diff(pds_obj.freq), pds_obj.df): freq = pds_obj.freq xlog = _assign_value_if_none(xlog, False) ylog = _assign_value_if_none(ylog, False) else: flo = pds_obj.freq - pds_obj.df / 2 fhi = pds_obj.freq + pds_obj.df / 2 freq = (fhi + flo) / 2 xlog = _assign_value_if_none(xlog, True) ylog = _assign_value_if_none(ylog, True) cpds = pds_obj.power cospectrum = cpds.real if xlog and ylog: plt.figure("Cospectrum - Loglog " + figlabel) else: plt.figure("Cospectrum " + figlabel) ax = plt.gca() if xlog: ax.set_xscale("log", nonpositive="clip") if ylog: ax.set_yscale("log", nonpositive="clip") plt.xlabel("Frequency") if xlog and ylog: y = freq[1:] * cospectrum[1:] plt.plot(freq[1:], y, drawstyle="steps-mid", label=fname) for i, func in enumerate(models): plt.plot(freq, freq * func(freq), label=f"Model {i + 1}") plt.ylabel("Cospectrum * Frequency") else: y = cospectrum[1:] plt.plot(freq[1:], cospectrum[1:], drawstyle="steps-mid", label=fname) plt.ylabel("Cospectrum") for i, func in enumerate(models): plt.plot(freq, func(freq), label=f"Model {i + 1}") if output_data_file is not None: save_as_qdp([freq[1:], y], filename=output_data_file, mode="a") plt.legend() if figname is not None: plt.savefig(figname)
[docs] def plot_folding(fnames, figname=None, xlog=None, ylog=None, output_data_file=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec if is_string(fnames): fnames = [fnames] for fname in fnames: plt.figure(fname, figsize=(7, 7)) plt.clf() ef, best_cand_table = analyze_qffa_results(fname) nbin = best_cand_table.meta["nbin"] label = best_cand_table.meta["label"] detlev = best_cand_table.meta["detlev"] ndof = best_cand_table.meta["ndof"] # Get these from the first row of the table f, fdot, fddot, max_stat, max_stat_cl_90, f_idx, fdot_idx = ( best_cand_table["f"][0], best_cand_table["fdot"][0], best_cand_table["fddot"][0], best_cand_table["power"][0], best_cand_table["power_cl_0.9"][0], best_cand_table["f_idx"][0], best_cand_table["fdot_idx"][0], ) if (filename := best_cand_table.meta["filename"]) is not None: external_gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1) search_gs_no = 1 events = load_events(filename) if ef.emin is not None or ef.emax is not None: events, elabel = filter_energy(events, ef.emin, ef.emax) if hasattr(ef, "parfile") and ef.parfile is not None: root = os.path.split(fname)[0] parfile = find_file_in_allowed_paths(ef.parfile, [".", root]) if not parfile: warnings.warn(f"{ef.parfile} does not exist") else: ef.parfile = parfile if parfile and os.path.exists(parfile): events = deorbit_events(events, parfile) if hasattr(ef, "ref_time") and ef.ref_time is not None: ref_time = ef.ref_time elif hasattr(ef, "pepoch") and ef.pepoch is not None: ref_time = (ef.pepoch - events.mjdref) * 86400 else: ref_time = (events.time[0] + events.time[-1]) / 2 pepoch = ref_time / 86400 + events.mjdref phase, profile, profile_err = fold_events( copy.deepcopy(events.time), f, fdot, ref_time=ref_time, # gti=copy.deepcopy(events.gti), expocorr=False, nbin=nbin, ) ax = plt.subplot(external_gs[0]) Table( { "phase": np.concatenate((phase, phase + 1)), "profile": np.concatenate((profile, profile)), "err": np.concatenate((profile_err, profile_err)), } ).write( f'{fname.replace(HEN_FILE_EXTENSION, "")}_folded.csv', overwrite=True, format="ascii", ) ax.plot( np.concatenate((phase, phase + 1)), np.concatenate((profile, profile)), drawstyle="steps-mid", ) mean = np.mean(profile) low, high = poisson_conf_interval(mean, interval="frequentist-confidence", sigma=1) ax.axhline(mean) ax.fill_between( [0, 2], [low, low], [high, high], label=r"1-$\sigma c.l.$", alpha=0.5, ) low, high = poisson_conf_interval(mean, interval="frequentist-confidence", sigma=3) ax.fill_between( [0, 2], [low, low], [high, high], label=r"3-$\sigma c.l.$", alpha=0.5, ) ax.set_xlabel("Phase") ax.set_ylabel("Counts") ax.set_xlim([0, 2]) ax.legend(loc=4) ntimes = max(8, np.rint(max_stat / 20).astype(int)) phascommand = ( f"HENphaseogram -f {f} " f"--fdot {fdot} {ef.filename} -n {nbin} --ntimes {ntimes} --norm meansub" ) if ef.parfile and os.path.exists(ef.parfile): phascommand += f" --deorbit-par {parfile}" if hasattr(ef, "emin") and ef.emin is not None: phascommand += f" --emin {ef.emin}" if hasattr(ef, "emin") and ef.emin is not None: phascommand += f" --emax {ef.emax}" if hasattr(events, "mjdref") and events.mjdref is not None: phascommand += f" --pepoch {pepoch}""To see the detailed phaseogram, " f"run {phascommand}") elif not os.path.exists(ef.filename): warnings.warn(ef.filename + " does not exist") external_gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) search_gs_no = 0 else: external_gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) search_gs_no = 0 f_mean, f_oom, f_rescale = rescale_plot_units(ef.freq) if f_oom != 0: flabel = "Frequency" if f_mean != 0.0: flabel = "(" + flabel + f"- {f_mean})" flabel += rf" ($10^{{{f_oom}}}$ Hz)" else: flabel = "Frequency (Hz)" if len(ef.stat.shape) > 1 and ef.stat.shape[0] > 1: fd_mean, fd_oom, fd_rescale = rescale_plot_units(ef.fdots) if fd_oom != 0: fdlabel = "Fdot" if fd_mean != 0.0: fdlabel = "(" + flabel + f" - {fd_mean:g})" fdlabel += rf" ($10^{{{fd_oom}}}$ Hz/s)" else: fdlabel = "Fdot (Hz/s)" gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( 2, 3, height_ratios=(1, 3), width_ratios=(3, 1, 0.2), hspace=0, wspace=0, subplot_spec=external_gs[search_gs_no], ) axf = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) axfdot = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1]) axcolor = plt.subplot(gs[:, 2]) plt.setp(axf.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(axfdot.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if detlev is not None and ef.stat.max() < 20 * detlev: axf.axhline(detlev, ls="--", label=r"99.9% det. lev.") axfdot.axvline(detlev) axffdot = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0], sharex=axf, sharey=axfdot) vmin = ndof vcenter = detlev vmax = max(detlev + 1, ef.stat.max()) divnorm = colors.TwoSlopeNorm(vmin=vmin, vcenter=vcenter, vmax=vmax) pcol = axffdot.pcolormesh( f_rescale, fd_rescale, ef.stat, shading="nearest", norm=divnorm, cmap="twilight", ) cs = axffdot.contour( f_rescale, fd_rescale, ef.stat, [max_stat_cl_90], colors="white", zorder=20, ) colorticks = list( set( np.concatenate( ( np.linspace(vmin, vcenter, 3), np.linspace(vcenter, vmax, 3), ) ).astype(int) ) ) cbar = plt.colorbar(pcol, cax=axcolor, ticks=colorticks) if len(cs.allsegs[0]) > 1: warnings.warn("More than one contour found. " "Frequency estimates might be wrong") else: for ax in (axffdot, axf): ax.axvline(cs.allsegs[0][0][:, 0].min(), label="90% conf. lim.") ax.axvline(cs.allsegs[0][0][:, 0].max()) for ax in (axffdot, axfdot): ax.axhline(cs.allsegs[0][0][:, 1].max()) ax.axhline(cs.allsegs[0][0][:, 1].min()) if detlev is not None: axf.plot( f_rescale[f_idx, :], ef.stat[f_idx, :], lw=1, color="k", ) for cand_row in best_cand_table: axfdot.plot( ef.stat[:, cand_row["fdot_idx"]], fd_rescale[:, cand_row["fdot_idx"]], alpha=0.5, lw=0.2, color="k", ) axf.plot( np.asarray(f_rescale)[cand_row["f_idx"], :], ef.stat[cand_row["f_idx"], :], alpha=0.5, lw=0.2, color="k", ) if detlev is not None: axfdot.plot( ef.stat[:, fdot_idx], fd_rescale[:, fdot_idx], lw=1, color="k", ) axf.set_ylabel(label) axfdot.set_xlabel(label) # plt.colorbar() axffdot.set_xlabel(flabel) axffdot.set_ylabel(fdlabel) axffdot.set_xlim([np.min(f_rescale), np.max(f_rescale)]) axffdot.set_ylim([np.min(fd_rescale), np.max(fd_rescale)]) axffdot.axvline((f - f_mean) / 10**f_oom, ls="--", color="white") axffdot.axhline((fdot - fd_mean) / 10**fd_oom, ls="--", color="white") axf.legend(loc=4) else: axf = plt.subplot(external_gs[search_gs_no]) axf.plot(f_rescale, ef.stat, drawstyle="steps-mid", label=fname) axf.set_xlabel(flabel) axf.set_ylabel(ef.kind + " stat") axf.legend(loc=4) if hasattr(ef, "best_fits") and ef.best_fits is not None and not len(ef.stat.shape) > 1: for f in ef.best_fits: xs = np.linspace(np.min(ef.freq), np.max(ef.freq), len(ef.freq) * 2) plt.plot(xs, f(xs)) if output_data_file is not None: fdots = ef.fdots if not isinstance(fdots, Iterable) or len(fdots) == 1: fdots = fdots + np.zeros_like(ef.freq.flatten()) out = [ef.freq.flatten(), fdots.flatten(), ef.stat.flatten()] out_err = [None, None, None] if hasattr(ef, "best_fits") and ef.best_fits is not None and not len(ef.stat.shape) > 1: for f in ef.best_fits: out.append(f(ef.freq.flatten())) out_err.append(None) save_as_qdp(out, out_err, filename=output_data_file, mode="a") ax = plt.gca() if xlog: ax.set_xscale("log", nonpositive="clip") if ylog: ax.set_yscale("log", nonpositive="clip") try: plt.tight_layout() except Exception: # pragma: no cover pass if figname is not None: plt.savefig(figname)
[docs] def plot_color(file0, file1, xlog=None, ylog=None, figname=None, output_data_file=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt type0, lc0 = get_file_type(file0) type1, lc1 = get_file_type(file1) xlabel, ylabel = "Count rate", "Count rate" if type0 == "color": xlabel = "{3}-{2}/{1}-{0}".format(*lc0.e_intervals) if type1 == "color": ylabel = "{3}-{2}/{1}-{0}".format(*lc1.e_intervals) plt.errorbar( lc0.counts, lc1.counts, xerr=lc0.counts_err, yerr=lc1.counts_err, fmt="o", color="k", alpha=0.5, ) plt.scatter(lc0.counts, lc1.counts, zorder=10) if output_data_file is not None: save_as_qdp( [lc0.counts, lc1.counts], errors=[lc0.counts_err, lc1.counts_err], filename=output_data_file, mode="a", ) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) ax = plt.gca() if xlog: ax.set_xscale("log", nonpositive="clip") if ylog: ax.set_yscale("log", nonpositive="clip") if figname is not None: plt.savefig(figname)
[docs] def plot_lc( lcfiles, figname=None, fromstart=False, xlog=None, ylog=None, output_data_file=None, ): """Plot a list of light curve files, or a single one.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if is_string(lcfiles): lcfiles = [lcfiles] figlabel = lcfiles[0] plt.figure("LC " + figlabel) for lcfile in lcfiles:"Loading {lcfile}...") lcdata = load_lcurve(lcfile) time = lcdata.time lc = lcdata.counts gti = lcdata.gti instr = lcdata.instr if not hasattr(lcdata, "mjdref") or lcdata.mjdref is None: lcdata.mjdref = 0 mjd = lcdata.mjdref + np.mean(lcdata.time) / 86400 mjd = np.round(mjd, 2) if fromstart: tref = lcdata.gti[0, 0] mjd = lcdata.gti[0, 0] / 86400 + lcdata.mjdref else: tref = (mjd - lcdata.mjdref) * 86400 time -= tref gti -= tref if instr == "PCA": # If RXTE, plot per PCU count rate if hasattr(lcdata, "nPCUs"): npcus = lcdata.nPCUs lc /= npcus bti = list(zip(gti[:-1, 1], gti[1:, 0])) for g in bti: plt.axvspan(g[0], g[1], color="red", alpha=0.5) good = create_gti_mask(time, gti) plt.plot(time, lc, drawstyle="steps-mid", color="grey") plt.plot(time[good], lc[good], drawstyle="steps-mid", label=lcfile) if hasattr(lcdata, "base"): plt.plot(time, lcdata.base, color="r") if output_data_file is not None: outqdpdata = [time[good], lc[good]] if hasattr(lcdata, "base"): outqdpdata.append(lcdata.base[good]) save_as_qdp(outqdpdata, filename=output_data_file, mode="a") plt.xlabel(f"Time (s from MJD {mjd}, MET {tref})") print(f"Time (s from MJD {mjd}, MET {tref})") if instr == "PCA": plt.ylabel("light curve (Ct/bin/PCU)") else: plt.ylabel("light curve (Ct/bin)") plt.legend() if figname is not None: plt.savefig(figname)
[docs] def main(args=None): """Main function called by the `HENplot` command line script.""" import argparse from .base import check_negative_numbers_in_args description = "Plot the content of HENDRICS light curves and frequency spectra" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("files", help="List of files", nargs="+") parser.add_argument( "--noplot", help="Only create images, do not plot", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--CCD", help="This is a color-color diagram. In this case, the" " list of files is expected to be given as " ",,,, ...", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--HID", help="This is a hardness-intensity diagram. In this " "case, the list of files is expected to be given " "as,,, " ", ...", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument("--figname", help="Figure name", default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--outfile", help="Output data file in QDP format", default=None, type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "--xlog", help="Use logarithmic X axis", default=None, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--ylog", help="Use logarithmic Y axis", default=None, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument("--xlin", help="Use linear X axis", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--ylin", help="Use linear Y axis", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "--white-sub", help="Subtract Poisson noise (only applies to PDS)", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--fromstart", help="Times are measured from the start of the " "observation (only relevant for light curves)", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--axes", nargs=2, type=str, help="Plot two variables contained in the file", default=None, ) args = check_negative_numbers_in_args(args) args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.noplot and args.figname is None: args.figname = args.files[0].replace(HEN_FILE_EXTENSION, ".png") import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use("Agg") if args.xlin: args.xlog = False if args.ylin: args.ylog = False if args.CCD or args.HID: args.files = zip(args.files[:-1:2], args.files[1::2]) for fname in args.files: if args.CCD or args.HID: plot_color( fname[0], fname[1], xlog=args.xlog, ylog=args.ylog, figname=args.figname, output_data_file=args.outfile, ) continue ftype, contents = get_file_type(fname) if args.axes is not None: plot_generic( fname, args.axes, xlog=args.xlog, ylog=args.ylog, figname=args.figname, output_data_file=args.outfile, ) continue if ftype == "lc": plot_lc( fname, fromstart=args.fromstart, xlog=args.xlog, ylog=args.ylog, figname=args.figname, output_data_file=args.outfile, ) elif ftype == "powercolor": plot_powercolors(fname) elif ftype == "folding": plot_folding( fname, xlog=args.xlog, ylog=args.ylog, figname=args.figname, output_data_file=args.outfile, ) elif ftype[-4:] == "cpds": plot_cospectrum( fname, xlog=args.xlog, ylog=args.ylog, figname=args.figname, output_data_file=args.outfile, ) elif ftype[-3:] == "pds": plot_pds( fname, xlog=args.xlog, ylog=args.ylog, figname=args.figname, output_data_file=args.outfile, white_sub=args.white_sub, ) if not args.noplot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt