Source code for hendrics.ffa

import functools
import numpy as np

from .base import njit, vectorize, float32, float64, int32, int64
from .base import show_progress

prof_n  step0  step1  step2
0        0+1    0+2    0+4
1        0+1'   0+2'   0+4'
2        2+3    1+3'   1+5'
3        2+3'   1+3''  1+5''
4        4+5    4+6    2+6''
5        4+5'   4+6'   2+6'''
6        6+7    5+7'   3+7'''
7        6+7'   5+7''  3+7''''
8        8+9    8+10   8+12
9        8+9'   8+10'  8+12'
10     10+11    9+11'  9+13'
11     10+11'   9+11'' 9+13''

Each element is a full profile.
Each profile number in the sums refers to the profile created in the _previous_
step. Primes indicate the amount of shift.

Let's call step_pow the quantity (2**(step+1)) So, in each sum:

+ The _jump_ between the summed profiles is equal to step_pow / 2
+ The _shift_ in each element is equal to (prof_n % step_pow(step) + 1) // 2
+ The starting number is obtained as
    prof_n // step_pow * step_pow + (prof_n - prof_n // step_pow) // 2

def cached_sin_harmonics(nbin, z_n_n):
    twopiphases = np.pi * 2 * np.arange(0, 1, 1.0 / nbin)

    cached_sin = np.zeros(z_n_n * nbin)
    for i in range(z_n_n):
        cached_sin[i * nbin : (i + 1) * nbin] = np.sin(twopiphases)

    return cached_sin

def cached_cos_harmonics(nbin, z_n_n):
    twopiphases = np.pi * 2 * np.arange(0, 1, 1.0 / nbin)
    cached_cos = np.zeros(z_n_n * nbin)
    for i in range(z_n_n):
        cached_cos[i * nbin : (i + 1) * nbin] = np.cos(twopiphases)

    return cached_cos

def _z_n_fast_cached(norm, cached_sin, cached_cos, n=2):
    """Z^2_n statistics, a` la Buccheri+03, A&A, 128, 245, eq. 2.

    Here in a fast implementation based on numba.
    Assumes that nbin != 0 and norm is an array.

    norm : array of floats
        The pulse profile
    cached_sin : array of floats
        This array contains the values of the sine at each phase of
        ``norm``, repeated ``n`` times
    cached_cos : array of floats
        This array contains the values of the cosine at each phase of
        ``norm``, repeated ``n`` times
    n : int, default 2
        The ``n`` in $Z^2_n$.

    z2_n : float
        The Z^2_n statistics of the events.

    >>> phase = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
    >>> norm = np.sin(phase) + 1
    >>> cached_sin = np.sin(np.concatenate((phase, phase, phase, phase)))
    >>> cached_cos = np.cos(np.concatenate((phase, phase, phase, phase)))
    >>> assert np.isclose(_z_n_fast_cached(norm, cached_sin, cached_cos, n=4), 50)
    >>> assert np.isclose(_z_n_fast_cached(norm, cached_sin, cached_cos, n=2), 50)

    total_norm = np.sum(norm)

    result = 0
    N = norm.size

    for k in range(1, n + 1):
        result += (
            np.sum(cached_cos[: N * k : k] * norm) ** 2
            + np.sum(cached_sin[: N * k : k] * norm) ** 2

    return 2 / total_norm * result

def z_n_fast_cached(norm, n=2):
    """Z^2_n statistics, a` la Buccheri+03, A&A, 128, 245, eq. 2.

    This allocates the cached_sin and cached_cos first, then calls
    Assumes that nbin != 0 and norm is an array.

    norm : array of floats
        The pulse profile
    n : int, default 2
        The ``n`` in $Z^2_n$.

    z2_n : float
        The Z^2_n statistics of the events.

    >>> phase = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
    >>> norm = np.sin(phase) + 1
    >>> assert np.isclose(z_n_fast_cached(norm, n=4), 50)
    >>> assert np.isclose(z_n_fast_cached(norm, n=2), 50)

    cached_sin = cached_sin_harmonics(norm.size, n)
    cached_cos = cached_cos_harmonics(norm.size, n)

    return _z_n_fast_cached(norm, cached_sin, cached_cos, n=2)

def _z_n_fast_cached_all(norm, cached_sin, cached_cos, ks):
    """Numba-compiled core of z_n_fast_cached_all"""

    total_norm = np.sum(norm)
    all_zs = np.zeros(ks.size)

    N = norm.size

    total_sum = 0
    for k in ks:
        local_z = (
            np.sum(cached_cos[: N * k : k] * norm) ** 2
            + np.sum(cached_sin[: N * k : k] * norm) ** 2
        all_zs[k - 1] = local_z + total_sum
        total_sum += local_z

    result = 2 / total_norm * all_zs
    return result

def z_n_fast_cached_all(norm, nmax=20):
    """Z^2_n statistics, a` la Buccheri+03, A&A, 128, 245, eq. 2.

    Here in a fast implementation based on numba.
    Assumes that nbin != 0 and norm is an array.

    norm : array of floats
        The pulse profile
    n : int, default 2
        The ``n`` in $Z^2_n$.

    z2_ns : dict
        Dict containing the Z^2_n statistics of the events for each n in

    >>> phase = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
    >>> norm = np.sin(phase) + 1
    >>> allks, allzs = z_n_fast_cached_all(norm, nmax=4)
    >>> assert allks[1] == 2
    >>> assert np.isclose(allzs[1], 50)
    >>> assert np.isclose(allzs[3], 50)

    cached_sin = cached_sin_harmonics(norm.size, nmax)
    cached_cos = cached_cos_harmonics(norm.size, nmax)
    ks = np.arange(1, nmax + 1, dtype=int)

    all_zs = _z_n_fast_cached_all(norm, cached_sin, cached_cos, ks)

    return ks, all_zs

[docs] def h_test(norm, nmax=20): """H statistics, a` la de Jager+89, A&A, 221, 180, eq. 11. Examples -------- >>> phase = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(0, 1, 0.01) >>> norm = np.sin(phase) + 1 >>> h, m = h_test(norm, nmax=4) >>> assert np.isclose(h, 50) >>> assert m == 1 """ ks, zs = z_n_fast_cached_all(norm, nmax=nmax) hs = zs - 4 * ks + 4 idx = np.argmax(hs) return hs[idx], ks[idx]
@njit() def roll(a, shift): n = a.size reshape = True if n == 0: return a shift %= n indexes = np.concatenate((np.arange(n - shift, n), np.arange(n - shift))) res = a.take(indexes) if reshape: res = res.reshape(a.shape) return res @njit() def step_pow(step): return 2 ** (step + 1) @njit() def shift(prof_n, step): return (prof_n % step_pow(step) + 1) // 2 @njit() def start_value(prof_n, step): """ Examples -------- >>> assert start_value(0, 0) == 0 >>> assert start_value(4, 0) == 4 >>> assert start_value(5, 2) == 2 >>> assert start_value(8, 1) == 8 >>> assert start_value(7, 1) == 5 >>> assert start_value(10, 2) == 9 """ n = prof_n val = 0 sp = step_pow(step) val += n // sp * sp if step >= 1: val += (prof_n - val) // 2 return val @vectorize([(float64, float64), (int64, int64), (float32, float32), (int32, int32)]) def sum_arrays(arr1, arr2): return arr1 + arr2 def sum_rolled(arr1, arr2, out, shift): """Sum arr1 with a rolled version of arr2 Examples -------- >>> arr1 = np.random.random(10000) >>> arr2 = np.random.random(10000) >>> shift = np.random.randint(0, 10000) >>> out = sum_rolled(arr1, arr2, np.zeros_like(arr1), shift) >>> assert np.all(out == arr1 + np.roll(arr2, -shift)) """ out[:-shift] = sum_arrays(arr1[:-shift], arr2[shift:]) out[-shift:] = sum_arrays(arr1[-shift:], arr2[:shift]) return out @njit() def ffa_step(array, step, ntables): array_reshaped_dum = np.copy(array) jump = 2**step # dum = np.zeros_like(array_reshaped_dum[0, :]) for prof_n in range(ntables): start = start_value(prof_n, step) sh = shift(prof_n, step) jumpstart = start + jump if sh > 0: rolled = roll(array[start + jump, :], -sh) array_reshaped_dum[prof_n, :] = sum_arrays(array[start, :], rolled[:]) else: array_reshaped_dum[prof_n, :] = sum_arrays( array[start, :], array[jumpstart, :] ) return array_reshaped_dum @njit() def _ffa(array_reshaped, bin_period, ntables, z_n_n=2): """Fast folding algorithm search.""" periods = np.array([bin_period + n / (ntables - 1) for n in range(ntables)]) for step in range(0, int(np.log2(ntables))): array_reshaped = ffa_step(array_reshaped, step, ntables) twopiphases = np.pi * 2 * np.arange(0, 1, 1 / array_reshaped.shape[1]) nbin = twopiphases.size cached_cos = np.zeros(z_n_n * nbin) cached_sin = np.zeros(z_n_n * nbin) for i in range(z_n_n): cached_cos[i * nbin : (i + 1) * nbin] = np.cos(twopiphases) cached_sin[i * nbin : (i + 1) * nbin] = np.sin(twopiphases) stats = np.zeros(ntables) for i in range(array_reshaped.shape[0]): stats[i] = _z_n_fast_cached( array_reshaped[i, :], cached_cos, cached_sin, n=z_n_n ) return periods, stats def ffa(array, bin_period, z_n_n=2): """Fast folding algorithm search""" N_raw = len(array) ntables = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(N_raw // bin_period + 1))) if ntables <= 1: return np.zeros(1), np.zeros(1) N = ntables * bin_period new_arr = np.zeros(N) new_arr[:N_raw] = array array_reshaped = new_arr.reshape([ntables, bin_period]) return _ffa(array_reshaped, bin_period, ntables, z_n_n=z_n_n) def _quick_rebin(counts, current_rebin): """ Examples -------- >>> counts = np.arange(1, 11) >>> reb = _quick_rebin(counts, 2) >>> assert np.allclose(reb, [3, 7, 11, 15, 19]) """ n = int(counts.size // current_rebin) rebinned_counts = np.sum( counts[: n * current_rebin].reshape(n, current_rebin), axis=1 ) return rebinned_counts def ffa_search(counts, dt, period_min, period_max): counts = np.array(counts) pmin = np.floor(period_min / dt) pmax = np.ceil(period_max / dt) bin_periods = None stats = None current_rebin = 1 rebinned_counts = counts for bin_period in show_progress(np.arange(pmin, pmax + 1, dtype=int)): # Only powers of two rebin = int(2 ** np.floor(np.log2(bin_period / pmin))) if rebin > current_rebin: current_rebin = rebin rebinned_counts = _quick_rebin(counts, current_rebin) # When rebinning, bin_period // current_rebin is the same for nearby # periods if bin_period % current_rebin != 0: continue per, st = ffa(rebinned_counts, bin_period // current_rebin) per *= current_rebin if per[0] == 0: continue elif bin_periods is None: bin_periods = per[:-1] * dt stats = st[:-1] else: bin_periods = np.concatenate((bin_periods, per[:-1] * dt)) stats = np.concatenate((stats, st[:-1])) return bin_periods, stats